Research and development
In Mandelli Lab work and compare every day 18 people, including engineers, designers, stylists and modelists: men and women of different ages, of different styles, but all motorcyclists animated by passion, fun and practical spirit.

From the races to the road
All our protective shoes are conceived and designed also thanks to the relationship with the riders that we sponsor: as often happens, the racing world is our lab and much of what comes to mind is born in this environment and is developed thanks to the suggestions of professionals who live it in their daily life, testing our ideas firsthand.

By motorcyclists, for motorcyclists
It is precisely from the close contact with the athletes, from the sharing of suggestions and solutions and after numerous tests and certification processes that Eleveit products are born, made available to all motorcyclists who use the two wheels to move daily and traveling.

So that even protective footwear from the most urban and casual look have all the characteristics of safety, quality and comfort testing in the world of races.